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CP Rewritten: Furniture Catalog Secrets – January 2018

A new Better Igloos catalog has been released on Club Penguin Rewritten, filled with lots of Mexican, Winter and Fiesta themed furniture for the Winter Fiesta later this month!

In this post, I will be sharing all the secrets/cheats inside the catalog! A blue circle represents that a secret is hidden there and the image next to it is the item which you can get by clicking there.

Page one contains three secrets: the Mexican Vase, the Lamp and the Shoe Rack.

Page two contains another three secrets! These are the Red Lava Lamp, the Flower Planet and the HD TV!

Finally, page three also contains another three secrets. These are all posters: Zeus Stage Poster, Peppy Stage Poster and the Tate Stage Poster!

It is possible that I have missed some secrets, however this post will be fixed immediately should that be the case! That concludes all the secrets in this month’s catalog, but furniture cheats from December can be viewed here.

Thank you very much for reading! I hope that this guide helped, you can also find a Penguin Style guide here. Be sure to check back for more of the latest news and guides!

Waddle on!

-Torres 126

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