Playercard Generator

The Playercard Generator allows you to download the design of your playercard with the option of a transparent background. The items available are exclusively from classic Club Penguin rather than any “custom” ones from private servers, and there may be files missing for some items. The majority of items should work fine though.

You can search for them by using the dropdowns. Alternatively, you can enter the exact name of the item or the item ID if you’re aware of it. Once you’re done, click the “Download playercard” at the bottom right to save the image in a higher quality!

Your browser does not support this generator - sorry! Generate random playercard Clear

For other Club Penguin bloggers, I’ve made this plugin open-source so that you can install it on your WordPress blog. I’m hoping to add more Club Penguin related snippets to the plugin in the future. I’d also like to thank Ep8Script for help with accessing all of the assets!

Hopefully there aren’t too many problems with the above generator, but this is my first time trying something like this, so if anyone is having any issues with the Playercard Generator, either with its installation or its usage, let me know and I’ll try to get them resolved!